Colour is often the first direction you turn when looking for wallpaper or fabric for your schemes. With this in mind we have endeavoured to provide a useful, diverse palette of contemporary colours for you to choose from.
We understand that your vision for certain projects requires specific colours and that our current collections may not include these. As we operate on a print to order basis, and print all our products in-house, you can always choose to use our customisable colour service for any of your projects.
There are two straightforward options when it comes to customising Quercus & Co. wallpaper and fabric.
• We can colour match any of our patterns to colourways from any of our other collections.
• We can also match colours to a physical sample you provide us, be it a paint swatch, a piece of fabric or a colour code from a standardised system such as Pantone. We match everything by eye, so if you require us to match to a sample, you must send us an actual cutting - without this we cannot provide a close match.
For either of the above options, we can also email you digital ‘look’ before we send the strike-off.
Included in the custom colour service is an initial strike-off, with a couple of options if required, and delivery costs. We do charge for this service so please speak with your local showroom or email us with details about your request.